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Location: Ottawa

Dates: From 11th of October 2017 to 14th of October 2017

NATIONAL TRUST ANNUAL CONFERENCE - See website below to register.

PLACE: Ottawa, a historic capital city and a major milestone offer the perfect opportunity to explore how people, policy and preservation practice intersect to renew landmarks sustainably and create vibrant places.

​ Ottawa is the place to be for Canadian Confederation’s 150th anniversary celebrations. Embracing the historic opportunity, the Association for Preservation Technology International and the National Trust for Canada have joined forces to create CAPITALizing on HERITAGE, expected to be the largest ever gathering of conservation practitioners and advocates in Canada.

Conservators, architects, engineers, heritage planners, craftspeople, policy makers, construction managers, cultural landscape specialists and strong community voices will come together to share and showcase the best in technology, policy, means and methods for preserving and renewing heritage buildings, districts and engineering works.

See National Trust website for Registration process and fees.

Registration Fee for Registrants: $0

Registration Fee for members: $0

Registration Fee for speakers: $0

Register for this event